Tuition & Fees
Tuition for the 2022-23 school year: $280 per week
Before & After care only: $200 per week
Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Recipients may qualify for Free* Pre-K if they meet the following requirements:
*Child must be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021
*Income qualify:
Family of 2: $52,260 or below
Family of 3: $65,880 or below
Family of 4: $79,500 or below
Family of 5: $93,120 or below
Family of 6: $106,740 or below
Grant recipients must provide a birth certificate and page 1 of 1040 tax form (2020) as verification.
Registration fee
AWOFS requires an additional registration fee for all families enrolled or on the waiting list for our program.
Registration fees must be paid by August 28th each school year. AWOFS does not provide prorate registration fees at anytime/
Families withdrawing between the end of the school year and the end of the Summer program and do not wish to remain are not required to pay or renew registration.
Families who fail to pay the required registration fees by August 28th deadline will lose their space for the school year or will be removed from the waiting list.
Application fee: $30
Annual registration fee: $150
Meals offered: 2 meals and 1 snack
Apply now for Pre-K
Start the process now of registering online for the upcoming school year. With the current Covid-19 pandemic, we have limited parent access to our facility, so please utilize the online registration process to register for the upcoming Fall school year. Click the link below to register now and upload documents. You will be notified by phone if your child qualifies. Call 667-309-3650 for the password.
This is a fillable form that you can save and email.
This portal is for parents who have completed their registration and are ready to upload their registration form and other required documents.